
ADRIPLAN Stakeholder Workshop, 27/06/14, Corfu Greece

ADRIPLAN (ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning)
Regional Workshop for Focus Area 2
27th June 2014, Corfù, Greece

The regional workshop, organized in cooperation with Apulia and Ionian Island Regions, is aimed at presenting the ADRIPLAN Initial Assessment results, discuss needs and priorities of the MSP emerged from the report, involve the stakeholders in the process providing information and obtaining feedbacks and define cross-border conflicts and synergies at Focus Area level. The workshop will be structured in an interactive way with presentations and Q&A sessions. In the next days we will provide you with further and more detailed information about the programme of the workshop.
The registration form and practical information about access and accommodation in Corfù will be also available on the project web site:

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